TTCS / ISOC TT / UWI Global Campus Universal Acceptance Adoption Event on Monday 27th May 2024 from 9am to 12 noon

The Trinidad and Tobago Computer Society (TTCS), in collaboration with the Internet Society Trinidad and Tobago Chapter (ISOC TT) and the University of the West Indies Global Campus (UWI Global Campus) hosted a Universal Acceptance event on Monday May 27 2024 from 9am to 12 noon where leading experts in the field of Universal Acceptance (UA) shared their insights on the benefits of Universal Acceptance and heard from local software developers who worked on making their website UA ready.

This event will benefit IT managers to understand the benefits of UA and to consider how their organisations can make their services and systems UA ready and for software developers to better understand how to make their applications UA ready.

The venue was at the UWI Campus IT Services Conference Room but was open to anyone to participate online via Zoom who could have registered at


About Universal Acceptance

A cornerstone of today’s global Internet, UA offers many benefits for both individual Internet users as well as the organizations that serve them. There are currently approximately five billion Internet users, and at least one billion more are expected to come online. Most of these potential new users live in countries that speak and write in languages other than English. Achieving UA ensures everybody has the ability to experience the full social and economic power of the Internet using their chosen domain name and email address that best aligns with their interests, business, culture, language, and script.

UA is the gateway to a more inclusive and multilingual Internet. The Domain Name System (DNS) has expanded dramatically in recent years with the addition of new generic top-level domains (e.g., .photography, .technology). These also include Internationalized Domain Names (e.g., एमईआईटीवाई.सरकार.भारत, 红螺寺.网址, صحة.مصر, стопкоронавирус.рф) and country code top-level domains (e.g., .भारत). However, while the DNS has evolved, the checks used by many software applications to validate domain names and email addresses remain outdated. In addition, not all online portals are primed for the using or opening of a user account with an internationalized email address, leaving many people unable to navigate the Internet using their language and online identity of choice. Considered a technical compliance best practice, UA solves these issues by ensuring all valid domain names and email addresses, regardless of script, language, or character length, can be used equally by all Internet-enabled applications, devices, and systems.

By adopting Universal Acceptance, we can help ensure that everyone, regardless of their language or culture, can fully participate in the digital economy. You can learn more about UA at


Watch a Recording of the Session

TTCS / ISOCTT / UWI Global Campus - Universal Acceptance Event 2024

