The Trinidad and Tobago Computer Society will be having a online call on Tuesday August 10 2021 at 8pm to discuss the draft Data Protection (Amendment) Act.
The Draft Data Protection (Amendment) Bill seeks to amend the Trinidad and Tobago’s Data Protection Act partially proclaimed in 2011 to “…enhance the existing legislative framework for protecting an individual’s right to privacy of personal information, including the right of an individual to access their personal information, while recognising that other rights and interests may at times also need to be taken into account; to give effect to internationally recognised privacy obligations and standards in relation to the privacy of personal information; and to provide for related matters.”
The Trinidad and Tobago Computer Society has been invited to stakeholder consultations to provide feedback towards the finalization of the Draft Data Protection Amendment Bill.
Anyone interested in this issue is welcome to attend this call, which will be using Zoom.
Zoom Meeting URL:
Meeting ID: 897 9629 5238
Please RSVP for the passcode at ! Also, join our mailing list at
Be sure to update to the latest Zoom desktop client at and/or if connecting from mobile, have the Zoom mobile app for iOS or the Zoom mobile app for Android devices. See you on the call!