The twelveth edition of the Latin American & Caribbean Internet Governance Forum (LACIGF) meeting is taking place in La Paz, Bolivia from August 6-8 2019.
What is LACIGF? LACIGF is the Regional Latin American and Caribbean Preparatory Meeting for the Internet Governance Forum. The event has been held annually since 2008 and provides a space for multisectoral dialogue where government, private sector, technical community, academia and civil society organization representatives present and discuss their points of view on the Internet Governance agenda for the region.
The LACIGF agenda at https://lacigf.org/en/lacigf-12/#tabs-2 shows the times of the various Internet Governance sessions over the 2 days. The time in Bolivia is the same as Trinidad and Tobago. The agenda page also has the webcast embedded but you can watch the webcast (English) separately at https://ustream.tv/channel/23686572 .