Register for free, to attend the Trinidad and Tobago Internet Governance Forum 2019 (TTIGF 2019) !
TTIGF 2019 (http://ttigf2019.igf.tt/) will be held on Friday 25th January 2019 from 9am to 5pm at the Trinidad and Tobago Chamber of Industry and Commerce, Columbus Circle, Westmoorings, Trinidad with online participation available for those unable to attend at the venue.
Now in its third year, the TTIGF is hosted by the Trinidad and Tobago Multistakeholder Advisory Group (TTMAG), of which the Trinidad and Tobago Computer Society is a member.
With the overall theme of “The Internet of Trust”, TTIGF 2019’s agenda features three panel sessions with selected experts and respected professionals:
- Caribbean Data Protection Regulations (CDPR)
- Cultural Factors in the Caribbean affecting Trust & Privacy for Digital Security
- Using Technology to Increase Trust in Public Institutions
TTIGF 2019 will also have an open forum session where all stakeholders (including online participants) can share comments, questions, solutions and best practices on internet governance locally, regionally and globally.
If you plan to attend (in person or remotely), please register for TTIGF2019 . Registration is FREE. There is no charge to attend TTIGF 2019, but space is limited!