TTCS Software Freedom Day event on Saturday September 15th, 2007

The Trinidad and Tobago Computer Society (TTCS), will be having a tech meeting on Saturday September 15th, 2007 from 1pm to 6pm at Hand, Arnold (Trinidad) Limited, El Socorro Road Extension, El
Socorro, San Juan (View satellite image at

We will be celebrating Software Freedom Day 2007, a global, grassroots effort to educate the public about the benefits and availability of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS).

Anyone interested in computing and related technology are welcome to attend this event. While stocks last, attendees will receive the TTCS OSSWIN CD and Ubuntu CDs (or any Linux distro) free of charge. Additional linux distros can be obtained for $5 TT each.

Some of the activities planned at this meeting include :

  • demoing open source software (OSS) for Windows from the TTCS OSSWIN CD .
  • demoing Ubuntu , a popular Linux distribution.
  • how to install Ubuntu on your Windows PC (dual booting).
  • how to use a Linux “live” CD (no need to install Linux on a hard drive).
  • how to do common computing tasks using Linux and open source software.

Please let us know via email at admin at ttcsweb d.o.t org if you are attending and what distros you may be interested in getting) so we can prepare the venue accordingly.

See you there!